
In addition to building permits, various By-laws as established by Council require the property owner to obtain a permit, including but not limited to for dogs, trailers, the placement of fill, and the establishment of an entrance.

Property owners may print out the applications forms below and mail/bring in to the office for processing. We have begun to accept certain application forms by online submission as well; these forms are marked as “Online Fillable Forms” in the below listing.

Note: property owners may submit payment through online banking for permit applications. To do so, please use your 19-digit roll number and substitute the last 4 digits with ‘5555’. For example, if your roll number is 4924 000 001 12345 0000, submit payment using the account number 4924 000 001 12345 5555. If paying in this method, please ensure that the office has a copy of your application first, to ensure we know where to apply the payment.

If you do not see the application form you are looking for, please call (705) 382-3232 or email the administrative office.

Trailer Permits

Get your 2025 trailer license. 

Trailers are permitted to be located in the Township of Ryerson provided that they;

Comply with the Zoning By-law in terms of lot specific zoning, setbacks, and limited accessory structures (ie. storage shed, deck, etc.);
Are licensed by the Township, with only one (1) per property;
Are not occupied between the months of December to April;
Are connected to a septic system, holding tank or have an outhouse and grey water pit;
No dwellings are located on the property

The By-Law Enforcement Officer is responsible for approving annual permits, including inspections of the site.

Trailer Licence Application (Print and Submit)

Applications can be submitted via email or mailed to the Municipal Office.

Dog Tags

Dog Licensing
All residents in the Township of Ryerson that owns a dog must license them annually by purchasing a dog tag or the owner will be subject to fines.

The dog license and payment can be done, and submitted, online by completing the Dog License- Online Fillable Form.